supporting and strengthening your wellbeing

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At Pillar, we utilise a range of manual techniques to assist clients with a wide variety of neuro-musculoskeltal symptoms.

Our services are tailored to the individual and are suitable for almost all demographics including infants, pregnant women and the elderly.

Our aim is to accurately identify the root cause of your symptoms and then work with you to achieve your goals and ensure your body returns to a state of optimal function.



Pillar’s philosophy to exercise and movement is an extension of our philosophy to health and more broadly, life – a holistic approach.

We see Pilates as the perfect form of exercise to compliment your weekly movement routine, whether that is a daily stroll or marathon training.

Each 45 minutes class is carefully designed and overseen by a qualified health professional. Utilising the reformer machine, classes will efficiently work the entire body to improve strength, flexibility and endurance, ensuring clients walk out of Pillar taller, stronger and more nimble than when they walked in.

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